Volunteering at Ratby Library

We are always looking for adults and young people who wish to help our local community through the library. All you will need is some spare time and a love of reading and helping people.
Our main requirement is a willingness to give time on a regular basis, there may also be a short informal interview. All our library volunteers receive an initial induction, ongoing training and a reference for future job applications.
If you would like to get involved, please come along to the Library to talk to us when we are open, or give Mo Loft our Volunteer Coordinator a call on 07934 841390. You can also email us on ratbylibrary1234@outlook.com.
What qualities are required to volunteer?
Willingness to learn
What will you get out of volunteering?
Experience volunteering in a public service setting
Chance to use existing skills and to share your skills with others
Gain new skills and knowledge
Improved confidence
Meet new people, involvement in your local community